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PC Manage symbols in Market Watch


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On MetaTrader (MT4) / MetaTrader5 (MT5), when you can't find your symbol in the Market Watch, you can add the symbol from the Market Watch menu. There are three options: show all the symbols, add specific symbols, or add specific sets of symbols.

Similarly, if you wish to hide certain symbols in the Market Watch, you can either hide specific symbols or all of them at once. Here we'll take a look at how to perform these actions.

Here we will look at how to manage symbols in the Market Watch on MT4/MT5.

Switch between MT4/MT5 tabs to check the steps for each.


Step 1

Right-click in the "Symbols" tab of the Market Watch.

Symbols tab of the Market Watch Symbols tab of the Market Watch

Step 2

You can add a symbol to the Market Watch in four ways: select "Show All" from the menu, type the symbol name, pick a symbol from the symbol list, or add a symbol set.

To show all

To show all the symbols that your broker offers, select "Show All" in the context menu.

Context menu of the Symbols tab Context menu of the Symbols tab

To add a symbol by typing its name

To add a specific symbol by entering its name, double-click on the area below the symbol list and type the symbol name you wish to add.

Double-click in the Market Watch Double-click in the Market Watch

To add a symbol by selecting it

To add a specific symbol offered by brokers to the Market Watch, select "Symbols" in the context menu.

Context menu of the Symbols tab Context menu of the Symbols tab

The "Symbols" window will open. The symbol with yellow "$" is shown on the Market Watch and the one with gray "$" is hidden. Select the symbol you wish to add and click "Show" in the top right corner. The "$" icon will turn yellow and the symbol will be added to the Market Watch. You can also show or hide a symbol by double-clicking its "$".

List of symbols offered by broker List of symbols offered by broker

The symbol list is also accessible from "View">"Symbols" on the menu.

Open symbol list from the menu Open symbol list from the menu
knowledge Search box is available on MT5
Type a symbol name in the search box Type a symbol name in the search box

MT5 has the search box feature, which lets you search for a symbol you wish to add from all the symbols provided by your broker. This is useful when using brokers that offer a lot of symbols.

To add a symbol set

To add a symbol set created by each broker, such as "Forex majors" or "Forex minors", move the pointer over "Sets" in the context menu and select the set you wish to add.

Select a set created by broker Select a set created by broker
point Create your own set

With only the symbols you use most often displayed, hover the pointer over "Sets" and click "Save as" to save the displayed symbols as a set. For example, you can create a set that only includes USD/JPY and other JPY pairs.

Step 3

Symbols will be added to the Market Watch.

Selected symbols are shown Selected symbols are shown
point To hide symbols

To hide a specific symbol from the Market Watch, right-click on the symbol and select "Hide" in the context menu. To hide all the symbols, select "Hide All". Note that even if you choose to hide all, the symbols with open position or pending order and the ones whose charts are open will remain in the Market Watch.

Context menu of the Symbols tab Context menu of the Symbols tab

Step 1

Right-click in the "Symbols" tab of the Market Watch.

Right-click in the Symbols tab of the Market Watch Right-click in the Symbols tab of the Market Watch

Step 2

You can add a symbol to the Market Watch in four ways: select "Show All" from the menu, type the symbol name, pick a symbol from the symbol list, or add a symbol set.

To show all

To show all the symbols that your broker offers, select "Show All" in the context menu.

Select Show All in the context menu Select Show All in the context menu

To add a symbol by typing its name

To add a specific symbol by entering its name, click "click to add" at the bottom of the list on the Market Watch and type the symbol you wish to add.

Symbol will be added by typing its name Symbol will be added by typing its name

To add a symbol by selecting it

To add a specific symbol to the Market Watch, select "Symbols" in the context menu.

Select Symbols in the context menu Select Symbols in the context menu

Select the symbol you wish to add in the "Specification" tab and click "Show Symbol". The "$" icon will turn yellow and the symbol will be added to the Market Watch. The symbol with yellow "$" is shown in the Market Watch. If "$" is gray, the symbol is not shown. You can also show or hide a symbol by double-clicking its "$".

Select the symbol you wish to add in the Specification tab and click Show Symbol Select the symbol you wish to add in the Specification tab and click Show Symbol

The symbol list is also accessible from "View">"Symbols" on the menu.

Open symbol list from the menu Open symbol list from the menu
point Enter the symbol name in the search box
Enter the symbol name in the search box Enter the symbol name in the search box

Enter the symbol name you wish to add in the search box to find the symbol provided by your broker. This is useful when using brokers that offer a lot of symbols.

To add a symbol set

To add a symbol set created by each broker, such as "Forex majors" or "Forex minors", move the pointer over "Sets" in the context menu and select the set you wish to add.

Move the pointer over Sets in the context menu and select the set you wish to add Move the pointer over Sets in the context menu and select the set you wish to add

Step 3

Symbols will be added to the Market Watch.

A symbol will be added to the Market Watch A symbol will be added to the Market Watch
point To hide symbols

To hide a specific symbol from the Market Watch, right-click on the symbol and select "Hide" in the context menu. To hide all the symbols, select "Hide All". Note that even if you choose to hide all, symbols linked to open positions or displayed charts will remain in the Market Watch.

Select Hide All Select Hide All

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