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PC Manage columns in Market Watch


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On MetaTrader4 (MT4) / MetaTrader5 (MT5), you can get additional information such as spread, low and high prices, and more in the "Symbols" tab of the Market Watch. While MT4 has only 3 types of information, MT5 allows you to choose from 46 types. Items not provided by the forex broker will not be displayed.

Here we'll take a look at how to change the items displayed on the Market Watch in MT4/MT5.

Switch between MT4/MT5 tabs to check the steps for each.


Step 1

Right-click in the "Symbols" tab of the Market Watch and three options will be shown: "Spread", "High/Low", and "Time". Items with "✓" are already in the Market Watch. If you click an item without "✓", it will appear in the Market Watch. If you click an item with "✓", it will be removed from the Market Watch.

Context menu of the Market Watch Context menu of the Market Watch
Item name Description
Spread The gap between the current ask and bid prices in points.
High/Low The high and low bid prices for the current day.
Time The time when the price was last updated.
knowledge 46 types of information on MT5

On MT5, you can choose from 46 items such as "Initial margin", "Maintenance margin", "Turnover", "Volatility", etc., besides "Spread", "High/Low". and "Time".

Symbol tab Symbol tab

Step 2

Items with "✓" will appear in the Market Watch.

Market Watch with Spread, High/Low, and Time Market Watch with Spread, High/Low, and Time

Step 1

Right-click in the "Symbols" tab of the Market Watch and select "Columns".

Symbols tab Symbols tab
Item name Description
Last The last price at which the last trade occurred.
High/Low The high and low bid prices for the current day.
Volume The volume of the last trade.
Spread The gap between the current ask and bid prices in points.
Time The time when the price was last updated.
Daily Change Change from the previous day's close price.
Source Liquidity provider.
Tick Size The smallest size for the price movement.
Tick Value The currency amount of the smallest size for the price movement.
Face Value Minimum trade amount of the bond.
Accrued Interest The interest on the coupon calculated from the number of days since the issue date or since the previous coupon payment.
Initial margin The margin required to hold a position.
Maintenance margin The margin required to maintain a position aside from the initial margin.
Initial Buy margin The margin required to hold a long position.
Initial Sell margin The margin required to hold a short position.
Lower Limit The lowest price for futures.
Upper Limit The highest price for futures.
Settlement Price The clearing price used to calculate margins and profit/loss in futures/options trading.
Bid High The highest bid price for the current day.
Bid Low The lowest bid price for the current day.
Ask High The highest ask price for the current day.
Ask Low The lowest ask price for the current day.
Last High The highest traded price for the current day.
Last Low The lowest traded price for the current day.
Volume High The highest traded volume for the current day.
Volume Low The lowest traded volume for the current day.
Deals The latest number of trades.
Deals Volume The latest volume of trades.
Turnover The turnover (traded volume).
Open Interest The volume of positions held.
Buy Orders The number of buy orders.
Buy Volume The volume of buy orders.
Sell Orders The number of sell orders.
Sell Volume The volume of sell orders.
Open Price The open price for the current day.
Close Price The close price for the previous day.
Average Weighted Price The weighted average of the price.
Volatility The implied volatility (in percentage), the expected rate of change of the underlying asset price.
Theoretical Price Theoretical price of an option calculated by Black-Scholes model.
Delta Delta, a risk indicator for options, quantifies the change in option's price relative to the change in underlying asset price.
Theta Theta, a risk indicator for options, quantifies the risk that time poses to option buyers.
Gamma Gamma, a risk indicator for options, quantifies the change in Delta value relative to the change in underlying asset price.
Vega Vega, a risk indicator for options, quantifies the change in option's price relative to the change in implied volatility.
Rho Rho, a risk indicator for options, quantifies the change in option's price relative to the change in interest rates.
Omega Omega, a risk indicator for options, quantifies the percentage change in option's price relative to the percent change in underlying asset price.
Sensitivity The change in underlying asset price per one point change in option's price.

Step 2

Items with "✓" will appear in the Market Watch.

the items displayed on the Market Watch the items displayed on the Market Watch

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