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PC Set alerts to run a program


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MetaTrader 4 (MT4) and MetaTrader 5 (MT5) offer various alert settings. You can configure alerts to trigger a specified program based on specific times, prices, or order sizes exceeding a defined value. Any program can be selected, such as launching an internet browser. Note that alerts function only while MT4/MT5 is running.

Here we will look at how to set up the alerts to run a program on MT4/MT5.

Related articles:  Set email alerts
Set sound alerts
Set push notification alerts

Switch between MT4/MT5 tabs to check the steps for each.


Step 1

Click the "Alerts" tab of the Terminal and right-click in the tab.

Right-click in the Alerts tab of the Terminal Right-click in the Alerts tab of the Terminal

Step 2

Select "Create" in the context menu.

Click Create to set an alert Click Create to set an alert

Step 3

Check the "Enable" box and select "File" in the "Action" field.

Choose File as the action on the Alert Editor Choose File as the action on the Alert Editor

Step 4

Click the "..." button to the right of the "Source" field and specify the program you wish to launch when the conditions are met. When no program is specified, the MT4 installation folder will open.

Set the file on the Alert Editor Set the file on the Alert Editor
point Click "Test" to check the program

You can test launching the program by clicking the "Test" button. However, you cannot test opening the MT4 installation folder while the Source field is empty.

Test the program on the Alert Editor Test the program on the Alert Editor

Step 5

Configure the alert settings and click "OK".

Edit the alert details on the Alert Editor Edit the alert details on the Alert Editor


Item name




Specify the expiration time for the alert. To set the expiration time, check the box and enter the date and time or choose them by clicking the calendar symbol.



Specify the symbol, condition, and price for the alert.
Bid <: Notify when the bid price of the symbol goes below the specified price.
Bid >: Notify when the bid price of the symbol goes above the specified price.
Ask <: Notify when the ask price of the symbol goes below the specified price.
Ask >: Notify when the ask price of the symbol goes above the specified price.
Time =: Notify at the specified time. Set the value as "HH:MM".



Set a time interval for the alert to avoid repetitive triggers. For example, if the interval is set to 10 seconds, no additional alert will be triggered within that period, even if the condition is met again.


Maximum iterations

Set the number of times to repeat the program. Enter or select the number from the pull-down menu.


Item name




Specify the expiration time for the alert. To set the expiration time, check the box and enter the date and time or choose them by clicking the calendar symbol.



Specify the symbol, condition, and price for the alert.
Bid <: Notify when the bid price of the symbol goes below the specified price.
Bid >: Notify when the bid price of the symbol goes above the specified price.
Ask <: Notify when the ask price of the symbol goes below the specified price.
Ask >: Notify when the ask price of the symbol goes above the specified price.
Time =: Notify at the specified time. Set the value as "HH:MM".



Set the time interval for running the program.


Maximum iterations

Set the number of times to repeat the program. Enter or select the number from the pull-down menu.

Step 6

You will see the alert you have set in the "Alerts" tab.

Set the alert Set the alert

Once the alert is finished, the pause icon will appear on the alert.

Alert notification Alert notification

Step 7

To edit the alert settings, right-click on the alert and select "Modify" in the context menu. You can also select "Delete" if you wish to remove the alert, or "Enable On / Off" to disable it temporarily.

Modify, delete, or enable/disable the alert Modify, delete, or enable/disable the alert

Step 1

Click the "Alerts" tab of the Toolbox and right-click in the tab.

Click the Alerts tab Click the Alerts tab

Step 2

Select "Create" in the context menu.

Select Create Select Create

Step 3

Check the "Enable" box and select "File" in the "Action" field.

Select File Select File

Step 4

Click the "..." button to the right of the "Source" field and specify the program you wish to launch when the conditions are met. When no program is specified, the MT5 installation folder will open.

Click the ... button Click the ... button
point Click "Test" to check the program

You can test launching the program by clicking the "Test" button. However, you cannot test opening the MT5 installation folder while the Source field is empty.

Click Test to check the program Click Test to check the program

Step 5

Configure the alert settings and click "OK".

Alert settings Alert settings


Item name




Specify the expiration time for the alert. To set the expiration time, check the box and enter or select the date and time. If you don't want to set it, put an X mark in the box.



Specify the symbol, condition, and value for the alert.
Bid <: Notify when the bid price of the symbol goes below the specified value.
Bid >: Notify when the bid price of the symbol goes above the specified value.
Ask <: Notify when the ask price of the symbol goes below the specified value.
Ask >: Notify when the ask price of the symbol goes above the specified value.
Last <: Notify when the last price of the symbol goes below the specified value.
Last >: Notify when the last price of the symbol goes above the specified value.
Volume <: Notify when the last traded volume of the symbol goes below the specified value. Set the value in price (base currency).
Volume >: Notify when the last traded volume of the symbol goes above the specified value. Set the value in price (base currency).
Time =: Notify at the specified time. Set the value as "HH:MM".



Set a time interval for the alert to avoid repetitive triggers. For example, if the interval is set to 10 seconds, no additional alert will be triggered within that period, even if the condition is met again.


Maximum iterations

Set the number of times to repeat the program. Enter or select the number from the pull-down menu.

Step 6

You will see the alert you have set in the "Alerts" tab.

The alert you have set The alert you have set

Once the alert is finished, the bell icon will change to a check mark.

A check mark A check mark

Step 7

To edit the alert settings, right-click on the alert and select "Modify" in the context menu. You can also select "Delete" if you wish to remove the alert, or "Disable" to disable it temporarily.

Edit the alert settings Edit the alert settings

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