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PC Adjust chart scale


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On MetaTrader4 (MT4) / MetaTrader5 (MT5), you can adjust the chart scale to show the part you want to see. If you move the horizontal time axis left and right, the scale on the vertical axis will change accordingly. You can also choose to fix the scale for the vertical axis, fix the scale for both axes, or expand/shrink the scale to facilitate chart analysis.

Here we will look at how to change the chart scale.

Switch between MT4/MT5 tabs to check the steps for each.


Step 1

Select "Properties" from the menu or the chart's context menu. You can't set up the scale for all charts at once, so set it up for each chart.

The color for the scale can be set in the "Foreground" parameter of "Properties". If it is set to transparent or the same as the "Background" color, the scale will be hidden.

Select "Properties" from the menu

Click "Charts" in the menu and select "Properties".

Click Charts in the menu and select Properties Click Charts in the menu and select Properties

Select "Properties" from the chart's context menu

Right-click on the chart you wish to fix the scale for vertical axis, and select "Properties".

Select Properties Select Properties

Step 2

In the "Common" tab, adjust the chart scale and click "OK".

Adjust the chart scale Adjust the chart scale


Item name



Scale fix One to One

Check the "Scale fix One to One" to set the horizontal (time) and vertical (price) scales evenly. When you check the "Scale fix One to One" box, the "Scale fix" box will automatically be checked as well since the vertical scale will be fixed.


Scale fix

Check the "Scale fix" box to set the range for vertical axis (price). Set the maximum value of the vertical axis in "Fixed maximum" and the minimum value in "Fixed minimum".

point Scale of vertical axis can't be changed when "Scale fix One to One" is checked
When Scale fix One to One is checked When Scale fix One to One is checked

By default, you can change the scale of the vertical axis by dragging the cursor up and down. However, if you check the "Scale fix One to One", this operation won't be available. In this case, you can adjust the vertical axis by scrolling the horizontal axis.

Step 1

Select "Properties" from the menu or the chart's context menu. You can't set up the scale for all charts at once, so set it up for each chart.

The color for the scale can be set in the "Foreground" parameter of "Properties". If it is set to transparent or the same as the "Background" color, the scale will be hidden.

Select "Properties" from the menu

Click "Charts" in the menu and select "Properties".

Select Properties from the menu Select Properties from the menu

Select "Properties" from the chart's context menu

Right-click on the chart you wish to fix the scale for vertical axis, and select "Properties".

Select Properties from the menu Select Properties from the menu

Step 2

In the "Common" tab, adjust the chart scale and click "OK".

Click Properties Click Properties


Item name




You can use the bar to adjust the scale on the horizontal axis (time) and the vertical axis (price). If you shift the bar to the right, the scale will expand relative to the time and price. If you move it to the left, the scale will shrink relative to the time and price.


Scale fix one to one

Check the "Scale fix one to one" to set the horizontal (time) and vertical (price) scales evenly. When you check the "Scale fix one to one" box, the "Scale fix" box will automatically be checked as well since the vertical scale will be fixed.


Scale fix

Check the "Scale fix" box to set the range for vertical axis (price). Set the maximum value of the vertical axis in "Fixed maximum" and the minimum value in "Fixed minimum".

point Scale of vertical axis can't be changed when "Scale fix one to one" is checked
Scale of vertical axis can't be changed when Scale fix one to one is checked Scale of vertical axis can't be changed when Scale fix one to one is checked

By default, you can change the scale of the vertical axis by dragging the cursor up and down. However, if you check the "Scale fix one to one", this operation won't be available.

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