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PC Install multiple MT4/MT5 on same PC


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You can install and run multiple MetaTrader4 (MT4) / MetaTrader5 (MT5) apps on a single PC. If you wish to do so, make sure to change the installation folder name so it doesn't overlap with the existing MT4/MT5 folder name.

Here we'll look at the steps required to install multiple MT4/MT5 apps on a single PC.

Switch between MT4/MT5 tabs to check the steps for each.


Step 1

Double-click the downloaded MT4 file to launch the MT4 installer.

Related article: Download and install MT4/MT5

Download and install MT4/MT5 Download and install MT4/MT5
point To create multiple MT4 shortcuts on desktop

When installing multiple MT4 apps, change the shortcut name of the existing app from "MetaTrader4" to something else. This will let you create new shortcuts when you install additional programs. When changing the name of the shortcut, you may get the "File Access Denied" message. Click "Continue" to save the changes made.

MT4 shortcuts MT4 shortcuts

Step 2

The MT4 setup window will appear. Click "Settings".

MT4 setup window MT4 setup window

Step 3

In the installation folder, specify a folder name different from that of the installed MT4. If it is the same name, you can't install multiple MT4s as the existing folder will be overwritten instead.

MT4 installation folder MT4 installation folder
point To specify the installation folder for MT4 in the explorer
MT4 shortcuts MT4 shortcuts

You can specify the installation directory for MT4 in the explorer by clicking "Browse".

Step 4

In the program group, specify a program name different from that of the installed MT4. Click "Next" to start the installation.

MT4 program group MT4 program group

Step 5

Once the installation is complete, MT4 will be launched.

MT4 installation is complete MT4 installation is complete

Step 1

Double-click the downloaded MT5 file to launch the MT5 installer.

Related article: Download and install MT4/MT5

Launch the MT5 installer Launch the MT5 installer
point To create multiple MT5 shortcuts on desktop

When installing multiple MT5 apps, change the shortcut name of the existing app from "MetaTrader5" to something else. This will let you create new shortcuts when you install additional programs. When changing the name of the shortcut, you may get the "File Access Denied" message. Click "Continue" to save the changes made.

MT5 shortcuts MT5 shortcuts

Step 2

The MT5 setup window will appear. Click "Settings".

MT5 setup window MT5 setup window

Step 3

In the installation folder, specify a folder name different from that of the installed MT5. If it is the same name, you can't install multiple MT4s as the existing folder will be overwritten instead.

MT5 installation folder MT5 installation folder
point To specify the installation folder for MT5 in the explorer
MT5 shortcuts MT5 shortcuts

You can specify the installation directory for MT5 in the explorer by clicking "Browse".

Step 4

In the program group, specify a program name different from that of the installed MT5. Click "Next" to start the installation.

MT5 program group MT5 program group

Step 5

Once the installation is complete, MT5 will be launched.

MT5 installation is complete MT5 installation is complete

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