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PC Set push notification alerts


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You can send a push notification to your phone when certain conditions are met on your PC MetaTrader4 (MT4) / MetaTrader5 (MT5). Please note that the alerts are only available when MT4/MT5 for PC is running.

point Popular for EA and indicators

The push notifications are often used with Expert Advisors (EA) and indicators to keep you updated on your trades and opportunities while away from your PC. Besides EA and indicators, you can also set the custom rules to receive push notifications.

If you want push notifications with your alert, you must first install the MT4/MT5 app on your phone, then register the MetaQuotes ID on your PC MT4/MT5.

Here we will look at how to set up the alert with push notifications sent to your phone on MT4/MT5.

Related articles:  Set alerts to run a program
Set sound alerts
Set email alerts

Step 1

First, you need to get the MetaQuotes ID on your phone for receiving push notifications.

Get a MetaQuotes ID Get a MetaQuotes ID

The way to check your MetaQuotes ID depends on your mobile device.

Related article: Check MetaQuotes ID

Step 2

On PC MT4, click "Tools" in the menu and select "Options". (Shortcut keys: "Ctrl"+"O")

Open Options Open Options

Step 3

In the "Notifications" tab, check the "Enable Push Notifications" box.

Enable Push Notifications Enable Push Notifications

Step 4

Type your MetaQuotes ID in the "MetaQuotes ID" field and click "OK". You can click "Test" to send a test notification to your phone.

Test the notification Test the notification
point Only push notification settings are needed for EA/indicators

If you wish to use push notifications for the alert feature of Expert Advisor (EA) or indicators, you only need to complete up to step 4 and no further settings are required. A push notification will be sent when the conditions set on the EA/indicator side are met. To define the alert conditions yourself, you will need to follow step 5 onwards.

Step 5

Proceed to the alert settings. Click the "Alerts" tab of the Terminal and right-click in the tab.

Right-click in the Alerts tab of Terminal Right-click in the Alerts tab of Terminal

Step 6

Select "Create" from the context menu.

Click Create Click Create

Step 7

Check the "Enable" box and select "Notification" in the "Action" field.

Select Notification in the Action field Select Notification in the Action field

Step 8

Set the notification message in the "Source" field.

Set the notification message Set the notification message

Step 9

Configure the alert settings and click "OK".

Detailed alert settings Detailed alert settings


Item name




Specify the expiration time for the alert. To set the expiration time, check the box and enter the date and time or select them by clicking the calendar icon.



Specify the symbol, condition, and value for the alert.

Bid <: Notify when the bid price of the symbol goes below the specified value.

Bid >: Notify when the bid price of the symbol goes above the specified value.

Ask <: Notify when the ask price of the symbol goes below the specified value.

Ask >: Notify when the ask price of the symbol goes above the specified value.

Time =: Notify at the specified time. Set the value as "HH:MM".

point "Timeout" is unnecessary

For push notifications, since the maximum iteration is fixed at 1, specifying a timeout (which represents the minimum time interval) is both meaningless and unnecessary.

Step 10

You will see the alert you have set in the "Alerts" tab.

Alert settings Alert settings

Once the alert is finished, there will be a check mark.

Notification Notification

Step 11

To edit the alert settings, right-click on the alert and select "Modify" in the context menu. You can also select "Delete" if you wish to remove the alert, or "Enable On/Off" to disable it temporarily.

Modify, delete, or enable on/off Modify, delete, or enable on/off

Step 1

First, you need to get the MetaQuotes ID on your phone for receiving push notifications.

Get a MetaQuotes ID Get a MetaQuotes ID

The way to check your MetaQuotes ID depends on your mobile device.

Related articles: Check MetaQuotes ID

Step 2

On PC MT5, click "Tools" in the menu and select "Options". (Shortcut keys: "Ctrl"+"O")

Get a MetaQuotes ID Get a MetaQuotes ID

Step 3

In the "Notifications" tab, check the "Enable Push notifications" box.

Check the Enable Push Notifications box Check the Enable Push Notifications box

Step 4

Type your MetaQuotes ID in the "MetaQuotes ID" field and click "OK". You can click "Test" to send a test notification to your phone.

Alert settings Alert settings
point Only push notification settings are needed for EA/indicators

If you wish to use push notifications for the alert feature of Expert Advisor (EA) or indicators, you only need to complete up to step 4 and no further settings are required. A push notification will be sent when the conditions set on the EA/indicator side are met. To define the alert conditions yourself, you will need to follow step 5 onwards.

Step 5

Choose the "Alerts" tab in the toolbox and right-click. Select "Create" from the context menu.

Select Create Select Create

Step 6

Check the "Enable" box and select "Notification" in the "Action" field.

Select Notification Select Notification

Step 7

Set the notification message in the "Source" field.

Set the message Set the message

Step 8

Configure the alert settings and click "OK".

Configure the alert settings and click OK Configure the alert settings and click OK


Item name




Specify the expiration time for the alert. To set the expiration time, check the box and enter or select the date and time. If you don't want to set it, put an X mark in the box.



Specify the symbol, condition, and value for the alert.

Bid <: Notify when the bid price of the symbol goes below the specified value.

Bid >: Notify when the bid price of the symbol goes above the specified value.

Ask <: Notify when the ask price of the symbol goes below the specified value.

Ask >: Notify when the ask price of the symbol goes above the specified value.

Last <: Notify when the last price of the symbol goes below the specified value.

Last >: Notify when the last price of the symbol goes above the specified value.

Volume <: Notify when the last traded volume of the symbol goes below the specified value. Set the value in price (base currency).

Volume >: Notify when the last traded volume of the symbol goes above the specified value. Set the value in price (base currency).

Time =: Notify at the specified time. Set the value as "HH:MM".

point "Timeout" is unnecessary

For push notifications, since the maximum iteration is fixed at 1, specifying a timeout (which represents the minimum time interval) is both meaningless and unnecessary.

Step 9

You will see the alert you have set in the "Alerts" tab.

You will see the alert you have set You will see the alert you have set

Once the alert is finished, the bell icon will change to a check mark.

A check mark is displayed A check mark is displayed

Step 10

To edit the alert settings, right-click on the alert and select "Modify" in the context menu. You can also select "Delete" if you wish to remove the alert, or "Disable" to disable it temporarily.

Click Disable Click Disable

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