PC Check and get logs


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On MetaTrader4 (MT4) / MetaTrader5 (MT5), you can check your action logs from the "Journal" tab in the Terminal/Toolbox. Here you can check all of your actions on MT4/MT5 including boot, server connection, data transmission, details of each order, and more.

point Submit your logs to your broker

If an error occurs, you may be able to check your logs to find the cause. Furthermore, when you ask your broker to look into your trades, you may be asked to submit your logs.

Here we will look at how to check and get logs on MT4/MT5.

Switch between MT4/MT5 tabs to check the steps for each.


Step 1

Click the "Journal" tab in the Terminal.

Journal tab Journal tab

Step 2

The recent activities will be displayed. "Time" shows the time the action was performed and "Message" shows the details of the action. To review the past actions, right-click in the "Journal" tab and select "Open".

Past actions Past actions

Step 3

The destination folder will open. Double-click on the file that you wish to check from the list of the logs saved by day.

Open past actions Open past actions
point If you need to submit your logs

If your forex broker asks you to submit your logs, submit the required files by date. The date/time of logs is recorded in your device's time. This may vary with the MT4/MT5 time zone, so please be careful.

Step 4

The logs will be displayed.

The logs will be displayed The logs will be displayed

Step 1

Click the "Journal" tab in the Toolbox.

Click the Journal tab in the Toolbox Click the Journal tab in the Toolbox

Step 2

The recent activities will be displayed. "Time" shows the time the action was performed, "Source" shows the type of the action, and the "Message" shows the details of the action. To review the past actions, right-click in the "Journal" tab and select "Open".

Right-click in the Journal tab and select Open Right-click in the Journal tab and select Open

Step 3

The destination folder will open. Double-click on the file that you wish to check from the list of the logs saved by day.

Double-click on the file to check from the list of the logs saved by day Double-click on the file to check from the list of the logs saved by day
point If you need to submit your logs

If your forex broker asks you to submit your logs, submit the required files by date. The date/time of logs is recorded in your device's time. This may vary with the MT5 time zone, so please be careful.

Step 4

The logs will be displayed.

The logs will be displayed The logs will be displayed

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