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PC Default values on the new order window


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In MetaTrader4 (MT4) / MetaTrader5 (MT5), you can adjust the default settings for symbol, volume, and deviation that get displayed on the new order window. The slippage tolerance can only be set when placing an Instant Execution order.

Furthermore, in MT5, you can specify the take-profit (T/P) or stop-loss (S/L) value in price or by the deviation (in points). You can also enable one-click orders.

Here we will look at how to set default values on the new order window in MT4/MT5.

Switch between MT4/MT5 tabs to check the steps for each.


Step 1

Click "Tools" in the menu and select "Options". (Shortcut keys: "Ctrl"+"O")

Open Options Open Options

Step 2

In the "Trade" tab, configure the default settings for symbol, volume, deviation, and one-click trading option, and click "OK".

Default settings of the new order window Default settings of the new order window


Item name



Symbol by default

Set the default symbol pairs to show on the new order window.
Automatic: automatically sets a symbol pair.
Last used: the symbol pair of the last trade.
Default: the symbol pair selected from the drop-down list.


Size by default

Set the default volume to show on the new order window and trading panel.
Last used: the volume of the last trade.
Default: the volume selected from the drop-down list.


Deviation by default

Set the default slippage tolerance to show on the new order window in the Instant Execution mode.
Last used: the maximum slippage used for the last trade.
Default: the maximum slippage selected from the drop-down list.


One Click Trading

Check the box to enable the one-click trading feature. You need to accept the Terms and Conditions.

knowledge Stop levels can be set on MT5

In MT5, you can also set default values for take-profit (T/P) and stop-loss (S/L) orders on the new order window.

The new order window will be displayed based on your settings The new order window will be displayed based on your settings

Step 3

The new order window will be displayed based on your settings.

Related article: Open the new order window

MT4 new order window MT4 new order window

Step 1

Click "Tools" in the menu and select "Options". (Shortcut keys: Ctrl+O)

Click Tools in the menu and select Options Click Tools in the menu and select Options

Step 2

In the "Trade" tab, configure the default settings for symbol, volume, deviation, how to specify the take-profit (T/P) and stop-loss (S/L) levels, and one-click trading option, and click "OK".

Step 2 Step 2


Item name




Set the default symbol to show on the new order window.
Automatic: the symbol of the active chart.
Last Used: the symbol of the last trade.
By Default: the symbol selected from the drop-down list.



Set the default volume to show on the new order window, trading panel, and "Trading" tab in the Market Watch.
Last Used: the volume of the last trade.
By Default: the volume specified in lots.



Set the default slippage tolerance to show on the new order window in the Instant Execution mode.
Last Used: the maximum slippage of the last trade.
By Default: the maximum slippage specified in points.


Stop levels

Set how to specify the take-profit (T/P) or stop-loss (S/L) value on the new order window,
In Prices: specify a price.
In Points: specify a deviation value in points.


One Click Trading

Check the box to enable the one-click trading feature. You need to accept the Terms and Conditions.

Step 3

The new order window will be displayed based on your settings.

Related article: Open the new order window

The new order window will be displayed based on your settings The new order window will be displayed based on your settings
point Set the slippage tolerance
Set the slippage tolerance Set the slippage tolerance

When placing an Instant Execution order, you can set the slippage tolerance value. If the slippage is greater than the preset threshold, the order won't be executed. In the Market Execution mode, the "Deviation" setting is not available.

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