PC Step by Step feature
This article was :
Use MetaTrader4 (MT4) / MetaTrader5 (MT5)'s Step by Step feature to scroll the chart horizontally from one candlestick to another. It's useful for simulating trades using past data.
Here we will look at how to use the Step by Step feature on MT4/MT5. Among the multiple ways to use this feature, the "F12" function key, which allows displaying candlestick one by one with a single button, comes in handy.
Switch between MT4/MT5 tabs to check the steps for each.

Step 1
When using the Step by Step function, you need to toggle the chart auto-scroll off, which is on (background color is light gray) by default. To turn it off, click the light gray "Scroll the chart to the end on tick incoming" button on the menu.

Step 2
Scroll the chart to the left to the position where you want to start using the Step by Step function.

Step 3
Start using the Step by Step feature with the shortcut key or from the menu.
Use Step by Step with shortcut key
By pressing F12, candlesticks will be displayed one at a time.

Use Step by Step from the menu
Click "Charts" in the menu and select "Step by Step".

Step 1
When using the Step by Step function, you need to toggle the chart auto-scroll off, which is on (background color is light blue) by default. To turn it off, click the light blue "Auto Scroll" button on the menu.

Step 2
Scroll the chart to the left to the position where you want to start using the Step by Step function.

Step 3
Start the Step by Step feature using the shortcut key, the menu, or the chart.
Use Step by Step with shortcut key
By pressing F12, candlesticks will be displayed one at a time.

Use Step by Step from the menu
Click "Charts" in the menu and select "Step by Step".

Use Step by Step on the chart
Right-click on the chart and select "Step by Step".

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