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Launch of eKYC System and Real Account Opening

#Important Notices
#Important Notices
Launch of eKYC System and Real Account Opening

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Dear Clients,

We are pleased to announce that the implementation of our eKYC system has been completed, and real account openings have commenced on June 19, 2024, at 9:00 AM (GMT).

To proceed with your application, we kindly request all individual and corporate clients to complete KYC verification. Our eKYC system is designed to be entirely online easily through simple actions like smartphone photo submissions. Additionally, we have developed a proprietary account management system utilizing AI automation, ensuring efficient and secure KYC procedures and account openings.

Real trading will only be possible once deposit and withdrawal functionalities are implemented. However, by opening your account beforehand, you can start trading smoothly once these features are in place. We will notify you again once the deposit and withdrawal functionalities are rolled out and the real trading environment is ready. Please take this opportunity to prepare accordingly.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our customer support. We are committed to providing detailed and tailored assistance to resolve any issues you may have smoothly.

Thank you for your continued support.

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