FXON offers trading in over 170 financial instruments, each with different trading hours. Some instruments may not be available for trading on specific national holidays, so please check the trading conditions for each financial product before trading.
FXON follows the standard time aligned with US Daylight Saving Time (Summer Time). During Daylight Saving Time (from the second Sunday in March to the first Saturday in November), trading hours are adjusted one hour earlier. The displayed time on the trading platform also switches from GMT+2 to GMT+3 during this period.
Daylight Saving Time is a system where standard time is advanced by one hour during the spring to autumn period when daylight hours are longer. DST allows for better utilization of daylight hours. DST is primarily observed in Western countries.
Time | Duration |
Summer Time: GMT+3 | From the second Sunday in March to the first Saturday in November |
Standard Time: GMT+2 | From the first Sunday in November to the second Saturday in March |
The trading hours and price quoting times at FXON are as follows. Please note that for CFD instruments, trading hours and price quoting times vary by financial product.
Time | MT server time | Japan Standard Time (JST) |
Trading Hours | 23:56 (Sun) ~ 0:03 (Sat) | 5:56 (Mon) ~6:03 (Sat) |
Price Quoting Times | 0:00 (Mon) ~ 24:00 (Fri) | 6:00 (Mon) ~ 6:00 (Sat) |
Time | MT server time | Japan Standard Time (JST) |
Trading Hours | 23:56 (Sun) ~ 0:03 (Sat) | 6:56 (Mon) ~ 7:03 (Sat) |
Price Quoting Times | 0:00 (Mon) ~ 24:00 (Fri) | 7:00 (Mon) ~ 7:00 (Sat) |
The trading suspension time for FXON is as follows. During this time, even if the market is open, no new orders or position settlements can be made for any instruments.
Time | MT server time | Japan Standard Time (JST) |
Summer Time: GMT+3 | 23:56~00:03 | 5:56~6:03 |
Standard Time: GMT+2 | 23:56~00:03 | 6:56~7:03 |
At FXON, rollover is conducted at 00:00 MT server time. The rollover times are as follows:
Time | Standard Time | Summer Time |
MT server time | 0:00 (GMT+2)(JST 7:00) | 0:00 (GMT+3)(JST 6:00) |